2014 KOZ Honor Choir!!!


KOZ Annual Spring Honor Choir - 2014

The annual Kodaly of the Ozarks Honor Choir will be held on Saturday, April 5th, 2014 at the Willard High School Gymnasium in Willard, MO.  Please mark your calendar for this event and look for more detailed information to follow after the Christmas holiday. 


2013 Practice Tracks - (click on title to hear) - as of 3/27/13, tracks are NOT yet linked to titles...check back in a few days.

1.  Answer To A Child's Question - Part 1
2.  Answer To A Child's Question - Part 2
3.  The Bird's Courting Song - Part 1
4.  Bird's Courting song Part 2
5.  Cripple Creek - Part 1
6.  Cripple Creek - Part 2
7.  Dark Brown Is The River - Part 1
8.  Dark  Brown Is The River - Part 2

The Kodaly of the Ozarks Honor Choir will take place in the Willard High School Gym in Willard MO on Saturday, May 4th, 2013.  Registration will begin at 8:30 that morning.  Click here for registration information, medical release forms, and all the details you'll need to know to get started!  You will also receive a hard copy of all forms, including the January KOZ newsletter during the month of January.  If you don't get one by February and would like a hard copy, contact me at the listed information below.  You can either download the forms via "here" link above or wait for your hard copy to come in the mail.

Our guest conductor this year is Dr. Nancy Martin.  Dr. Martin is the elementary music teacher at Horace Mann Elementary in Springfield, MO.

Music can be purchased through J.W. Pepper.  You can find our selections in the music lists menu.  Type in "KOZHonorChoir2013" for list name and "kodaly" for our password.  Here is our song list.  Click on this link!!
All registration forms and money MUST be turned in no later than Friday, March 29th, 2013!  Mail everything to address listed below:

Willard Orchard Hills Elementary
Attn:  Mrs. Erin Kuchta

4595 West Farm Road 140

Springfield, MO  65802

If you have any questions that cannot be answered by studying the registration forms and/or newsletter, you can contact me via e-mail emkuchta@gmail.com or by phone 417-869-0600 (w).

We are looking forward to seeing all of you in May!!!